Explore factoring for freelancers

Imagine paying your bill as quickly as you do your job. That is the power of factoring for freelancers. No more delays, just the assurance of immediate payment for your dedication and hard work.
Start now!
Stay in control of your bills
Instant payout
As a freelancer, convert your invoices into cash within one business day
Harness the power of factoring exactly when your freelance business needs it
You can easily process all your invoices via our factoring portal
Creëer een stabiele financiële basis voor je uitzendbureau. Door de afhankelijkheid van debiteurbetalingen te verminderen, kun je je richten op groei en expansie
Benut de kracht van factoring precies wanneer jouw freelance bedrijf dat nodig heeft
Via ons factoring portaal verwerk je gemakkelijk al jouw facturen
Afspraak inplannen

Fast billing
for freelancers

Factoring offers a flexible solution for independent entrepreneurs who strive for faster payments. We ensure a smooth and efficient process, tailored to the unique requirements of freelance life. In a few steps, you can upload your invoice and receive your compensation immediately. Perfect for independent professionals who don't want to wait for traditional payment terms.

The benefits of factoring at a glance

Faster payment
With factoring, you will receive your income faster as a self-employed person. Once you've delivered your work, Faqtoring converts your invoices into instant payments. This speeds up your cash flow, so you are no longer dependent on customer payment terms.

Improved liquidity
Improved liquidity is crucial for independent entrepreneurs. With our form of financing, you can improve your cash flow, giving you more flexibility in your business operations, investments and your personal life. This helps you manage financial challenges more effectively.

No debt accumulation
At Faqtoring, you don't accrue debt as a freelancer. Unlike traditional loans, factoring is a prepayment on your own income, keeping you financially healthy without additional debt.

Mitigation of risk
Factoring reduces the risk of late or non-payment. Faqtoring takes over debtor management, including the risk of default. For you as freelancers, this means fewer worries and more certainty about your income.

Financing options
for freelancers

As an independent entrepreneur, you know the importance of flexible financing. Find out which factoring solutions can support your entrepreneurial dreams and improve your cash flow.
Time to finance
Added value
% of the company
Fixed percentage
Within 24 hours
Your invoice value
€10k - €1m
Venture Capital
€100k - €1m+
Not Applicable

How freelance factoring can improve your cash flow

As a freelancer, managing your cash flow is important to keep your business running. However, getting customers to pay on time and dealing with irregular payments can sometimes be a challenge.

Fortunately, there is a solution: freelance factoring. Freelance factoring is a financing option designed specifically for independent professionals like you. With factoring for ZPPs, you can have your invoices paid directly by a factoring company, so you don't have to wait for your customers to pay. This offers you the opportunity to improve your cash flow and grow your business on a stable financial basis.

In this article, you'll learn more about freelance factoring and how it can improve your cash flow. We'll discuss the benefits, the process, and some key considerations when choosing a factoring company. Discover how factoring can help you, as an independent entrepreneur, to be financially successful as a freelancer.

Freelancing without stress

As a freelancer, you understand better than anyone that time is valuable. You have to deal with tight deadlines, customer expectations and keeping track of administrative tasks. That's why it's important to have a reliable partner that simplifies and accelerates your financial affairs. At Faqtoring, we understand the needs of ZPP people. Our sign-up process has been streamlined for your convenience, so you can get started quickly. No complicated paperwork or long waiting times.

And here's the great thing: Faqtoring ensures that you get paid within one business day after submitting an invoice. No more hassle with late payments or uncertain cash flow. We understand that, as a freelancer, you want to be able to get the money you earned quickly.

The factoring rules for you as a freelancer

Creditworthy debtors
Your debtors undergo a credit check to verify their financial stability
Minimum invoice value
Each invoice must have a value of at least €2000
Dutch debtors
Your debtors are located within the Dutch borders
Proof of delivery
Your debtor confirms your performance
Your freelance company
You must be registered with the KVK as a freelancer
Kredietwaardige debiteuren
Jouw debiteuren ondergaan een krediet check om hun financiële stabiliteit te verifiëren
Minimum factuurwaarde
Elke factuur dient een waarde te hebben van minstens €2000
Nederlandse debiteuren
Jouw debiteuren zijn gevestigd binnen de Nederlandse grenzen
Bewijs van levering
Jouw debiteur bevestigt de door jou geleverde prestaties
Jouw freelance bedrijf
Je moet als freelancer ingeschreven staan bij de KVK

Costs for

Transparency in your favor Find out exactly what factoring can bring you with our calculation example. Choose between different packages for the speed of payment that suits your business
Open calculation example
Factoring fee
Up to
Open calculation example
Package 1
Fast payment
Payment within 5 days
Package 2
Super fast payment
Payment within 3 days
Package 3
Most chosen!
Hyperfast payment
Payment within 24 hours
Package 1
Fast payment
Payment within 5 days
Package 2
Super fast payment
Payment within 3 days
Package 3
Most chosen!
Hyperfast payment
Payment within 1 day
Afspraak inplannen

Frequently asked questions

Does factoring change the relationship with my debtors?

No, factoring does not have a negative impact on your relationship with debtors. At Faqtoring, we take a discreet and respectful approach, taking over communication with your debtor. As a freelancer, you remain the first point of contact and we only support with billing. Watch here what the process looks like

What happens if my debtor pays late or doesn't pay?

If your debtor is delayed in payment or defaults, Faqtoring takes over the risk and handling. We will proactively contact the debtor to find a solution. We strive to make this process as efficient as possible, without costing you a lot of time as a freelancer. Your role is to provide us with the necessary support and information if required/possible. Read more in our terms and conditions that you will receive during the application process.

What proof of delivery is required to use factoring?

Factoring requires clear proof of delivery. This can be a time sheet, a confirmation of service or an email delivery agreement. The document must state the services or products provided, the agreed price, and the approval by the debtor. Faqtoring will also call as an additional confirmation of the completion and acceptance of your work.

Can I selectively choose which invoices to invoice?

Yes, you have full control over which invoices you submit for factoring. You can decide to factor only a few or all of your invoices, as long as they meet the minimum invoice value of $2,000 and come from debtors you've added to your FAQtoring account.

What is Faqtoring's role in the billing process?

In the billing process, Faqtoring takes on the role of intermediary. You upload the invoice to our portal instead of sending it directly to your customer. We take care of the processing by sending the invoice to your customer with a clear watermark. This way, you will receive the money immediately and we will take care of the rest, which saves you valuable time as a freelancer. Watch here what the process looks like

Plan een kennismaking
Benieuwd naar de mogelijkheden die wij bieden?

Kies een datum en tijd die jou uitkomt.
Afspraak inplannen
Calculation example
Your invoice including VAT
Factor fee (2%)
- €200.00
VAT over factor fee (21%)
- €42.00
Paid out immediately